Mittwoch, 9. März 2011

a personal post: tell all...

one of my fave blogs, lous, boos, and shoes every now and then does a Q & A post & i've decided it's a great idea!  i have taken her cute questions & am letting you know my answers...
Emily Blunt or Emily Bronte?
    • gonna go with miss bronte here, even though i am actually a bigger fan of her sister's work (talking charlotte here).  but really, 9 times out of 10, i'll choose a novelist to an actress (sorry e.blunt)
Baby boy or baby girl?
    • baby girl? just because you can dress them up in the cutest bow headbands.
Gift from a friend: bunch of flowers or homemade cupcakes?
    •  homemade cupcakes!  food-lover, right here.  one of the best birthday presents i ever got was from a friend who made me a tinkerbell-themed cake (my nickname in middle school).  it was beautiful and delicious!
Getting dressed: lots of layers or clean minimal lines?
    • layers.  love, love me some layers.  event though i admire those who can pull of the minimal lines look.
Skittish magazine devourer or absorb-every-line book reader?
    • is it possible to fall into both categories?  because that would be me.
If you could: spend money on art or invest in stocks and shares?
    • art.  absolutely art.  
Raybans or Oakleys?
    • ray bands all the way.  *aviators*
Little white lies or forever truthful?
    • hmm... leaning more towards forever truthful.  maybe not little white lies, probably more of tell the truth but leave out any hurtful aspects.  but really, it's a case-to-case situation.  not just for me, but for everyone.
Best asset: face, body or mind?
    • absolutely mind.  i'm not the girl you spot from across the room, but that's fine with me because i am the girl who can capture your interest intellectually.
Love a good argument or neutral and non-confrontational?
    • (respectful) arguments.  quite often actually.
Sunday lie-in or early morning walk?
    • the "sunday" part doesn't really work for me because i have to be up and dressed to the nines at 8AM.  but when i do have days off, i am a lie-in 110%.  even though i really do wish i were more of an early morning walk girl.
Bloody Mary or Strawberry Daquiri?
    • strawberry daquiri - i don't do vodka.
Sunrise or sunset?
    • sunset.  
Secret-keeper or ready to spill the beans?
    • secret-keeper who has a journal for the deepest secrets.
Ocean-front house or mountain chalet?
    • ocean-front please :)
Doer or thinker?
    •  healthy mix of both.  unfortunately i usually i live in my mind - full-on thinker.  but at work i prefer being a doer.
[all images from weheartit]

hmm... that was actually pretty fun!

head on over to lous, boos, and shoes to participate!

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