Dienstag, 26. April 2011

a personal post: photo challenge - 13

Day 13 - a picture of your favorite band or artist
 florence welch, a.k.a. florence + the machine

maybe not "of all time," but certainly as of late.  especially as of tonight.  see, i've been at work all day and into the evening.  the only thing that kept me going (until nearly 11PM!!) was the soulful voice of florence welch.  every-single-song on lungs is a masterpiece.  i first fell in love with "kiss with a fist" but ever since i - almost immediately! - went out and got the full album, i have been unable to pick a favorite.

tonight, "the drumming song" was played most often.  it just boosted me through the fatigue and pain (if you've ever merchandised a store of over 5,000 square feet, you understand the physical pain it produces) unlike anything else could have.
{not to mention florence welch has about THE BEST fashion taste of any other artist!  i desperately want to see her live - when you watch videos of her singing she moves around and her voice in combo with the movement in combo with the couture makes for a simply unforgettable performance.  if she could be that good in a youtube video, imagine the experience of seeing her LIVE!}

*all images from red carpet fashion awards*

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