Anyway, I thought I'd share some of my favorite images from her etsy page and tell you a bit about about our friend and her photography. She currently uses a Nikon d80 after a little accident with a d40x (mabel)- for those of you in the camera market. Here is what she says about finding insiration in her hometown.
" I find inspiration everywhere! I think I live in one of the most inspirational areas of the world. Portland is such a cool city, the gray skies are an added bonus for me. Oregon is amazing, mountains coastline, amazing vegetation...magical! I also find inspiration through my son, he inspires me everyday. Finally, I am addicted to exploring the work of others...through etsy, flickr, blogs...etc. If your surround yourself with beauty you can't help but capture it."
I love that. French has a great sense of style and says that style should be effortless which shows in her picks throughout the week- but especially in her Monday picks, which I never miss. She swears she doesn't think about those picks but just bookmarks those babies! If you haven't checked this out- which I know you have- please do.

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