Montag, 18. April 2011

design: dream apt - kitchen

confession #1:  i am a craigslist junkie.  i scan through the available apartments religiously, and ever since my company starting talking expansion, i've found myself on the 'list more and more.
confession #2:  i found a place i *love* in another town
confession #3:  although i will likely not actually move here (everything is still completely up in the air), i really really really want to start cyber-decorating it!
confession #4:  so i'm going to . . .

* the kitchen *
cramped, dark, and completely uninspirational, yes.
potential?  oh yes.

the goal
something more like this ~
steps :
1. cabinets: remove drawers & paint dark wood an ivory.
actually, i think i'd try a pretty yellow
or maybe just yellow on the inside of the cabinets...
2.  add pretty wallpaper like the one shown above, to brighten (and un-bore-ify) the space
3.  organize everything in pretty containers
4.  give the lighting a little ooomphh
 5.  and, if there's room, add some pretty wicker baskets above the cabinets
then again, i will definitely need a step stool for this!

of course,
i believe the best decorating is done when actually in the space itself - this is just a start.  
a start on a place where i may or may not ever reside...

oh well!

more to come...

photo credits:
1.  pretty inspiration kitchen from Michael Penney at house and home; via poppy talk (go for more tips!)
2. paint color found on house beautiful; it is Donald Kaufman Color Collection's DKC-30
3. items from anthropologie = spice jars, utensil jar, butter dish, bubbled cone pendant
4.  lots of jars from world market
5.  wicker baskets from pier1

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