Dienstag, 2. August 2011

Vaneeza Lawn Eid Collection

Vaneeza Lawn Eid Collection
So Just like other brands Vaneeza Ahmad is also come up with her Eid Lawn collection. As her v- lawn for summers were exotic same case with her Eid lawn
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7As1mHJqxrg/TimYp8730qI/AAAAAAAAEqY/6oZBMRTs6Qs/s1600/Vaneeza-Lawn-Eid-Collection-2.jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3-Xxa9To1LM/TimYtZOTkKI/AAAAAAAAEqc/UbG_NXDqJhk/s1600/Vaneeza-Lawn-Eid-Collection-3.jpg,Eid is coming in monsoon weather so all the brands used very light color collection to comfort their dealers.

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